vSphere upgrade from 6.5 to 7.0

I have enclosed the PDF to see the steps for upgrading vSphere from 6.5 to 7.0

Microsoft Azure Certification

Powershell Script to find Windows server Inventory from an OU(AD)

Scenario: To get Windows server inventory like edition,version, hostname, service pack,IP address, etc… from Powershell


Powershell Code:

Get-ADComputer -Filter ‘operatingsystem -like “Windows server” -and enabled -eq “true”‘ -SearchBase “OU Path” -Properties Name,DNSHostname, Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack,IPv4Address | Sort-Object -Property Operatingsystem | Select-Object -Property Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack, IPv4Address | ft -Wrap –Auto

Powershell Script for getting SQL Inventory on multiple servers in OU(AD)

Scenario: To get an Sql inventory from multiple servers in a network which is available in a OU (AD)


I have come across a powershell script from google search which is working as per my requirement.

  • Powershell Code :
# Define output file
$outfile = "c:\temp\sqlversioncheck.csv";
# Get all server names from the saved txt file
$adservers = get-adcomputer -filter {operatingsystem -like "*server*"} -SearchBase "OU path" -properties lastlogondate, operatingsystem |  where {$_.lastlogondate -gt (get-date).adddays(-60)};
# Loop through each server
foreach ($adserver in $adservers) {

$out = $null;
$server = $adserver.name;

# Check if computer is online
if (test-connection -computername $server -count 1 -ea 0) {

    try {

        # Define SQL instance registry keys
        $type = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine;
        $regconnection = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($type, $server);
        $instancekey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL";

        $openinstancekey = $regconnection.opensubkey($instancekey);

        # If  registry keys don't exist, try legacy keys
        if ($openinstancekey -eq $null) {

            $sqlserverkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server";

            $opensqlkey = $regconnection.opensubkey($sqlserverkey);
            $instances = $opensqlkey.getvalue("InstalledInstances");

        # Extract "full" instance names for non-legacy instances.
        } else {

           [System.Collections.ArrayList]$instances = @();

            foreach ($instance in $openinstancekey.getvaluenames()) {

                $instancename = $openinstancekey.getvalue($instance);

        if ($instances) {        

            # Loop through each instance found
            foreach ($instance in $instances) {

                # Define and open SQL registry keys
                $instancekey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\" + $instance; 
                $openinstancekey = $regconnection.opensubkey($instancekey);

                if ($openinstancekey) {

                    # Get instance name
                    $instancename = $openinstancekey.getvalue("")

                    # Check for legacy intance name information
                    if ($instancename -eq $null) {

                        $instancename = $instance

                    # Define and open SQL setup registry keys
                    $instancesetupkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\" + $instance + "\Setup"; 
                    $openinstancesetupkey = $regconnection.opensubkey($instancesetupkey);

                    # Get Edition
                    $edition = $openinstancesetupkey.getvalue("Edition")

                    # Check for legacy edition information
                    if ($edition -eq $null) {

                        $edition = "N/A";

                    # Get Version
                    $version = $openinstancesetupkey.getvalue("Version");

                    # Check for legacy version information
                    if ($version -eq $null) {

                        $currentversionkey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\" + $instance + "\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion"; 
                        $opencurrentversionkey = $regconnection.opensubkey($currentversionkey);
                        $version = $opencurrentversionkey.getvalue("CSDVersion");


                    switch -wildcard ($version) {
                        "14*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2017";}
                        "13*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2016";}
                        "12*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2014";}
                        "11*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2012";}
                        "10.5*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008 R2";}
                        "10.4*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008";}
                        "10.3*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008";}
                        "10.2*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008";}
                        "10.1*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008";}
                        "10.0*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2008";}
                        "9*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2005";}
                        "8*" {$versionname = "SQL Server 2000";}
                        default {$versionname = $version;}

                    # Output results 
                    $out =  $server + ";" + $instancename + ";" + $edition + ";" + $versionname; 
                    $out >> $outfile;                   
        } else {

            $out = $server + "^Could not find/open SQL registry keys";
            $out >> $outfile;

    } catch {

        $out = $server + "^Could not find/open SQL registry keys";
        $out >> $outfile;
else {

    $out = $server + "^Not online";
    $out >> $outfile;

Recognition of Appreciation – TechnipFMC

How to find Windows server edition in Active directory OU by Powershell

Scenario: We need to find Windows edition for the servers or desktop connected to our domain.

Powershell Script: Get-ADComputer -SearchBase “OU=,DC=” -Filter ‘operatingsystem -like “*Windows server*” -and enabled -eq “true”‘ -Properties Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack,IPv4Address | Sort-Object -Property Operatingsystem | Select-Object -Property Name,Operatingsystem, OperatingSystemVersion, OperatingSystemServicePack, IPv4Address| ft -Wrap –Auto


Ref url: http://woshub.com/get-adcomputer-getting-active-directory-computers-info-via-powershell/

Citrix VDA post component installation Failed during installation

Error: Citrix VDA post component installation failed during installation.






Root cause: Prerequisite of Windows roles and features are missed or not properly installed or configured.


Before installation of Citrix the following are the roles and features should be installed on the windows server.


1. .Netfeatures 4.5 and above (Features)

2. User desktop experience ( Features)

3. Remote desktop services (Roles)

4. IIS (Roles)

5. Application server (Roles)


IE11 Browser not supported on RDWeb 2008 R2

Error: RemoteApps and Desktops when using Internet Explorer 11, which tells them “Browser Not Supported“. It’s almost funny because the web site actually says “This Web browser is not supported by RD Web Access. RD Web Access requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.





Root cause: In IIS (Windows 2008) the http response headers have challenge in the IE11 version.


Make sure IE has compatibility settings with Microsoft sites.





Go to IIS Manager on your 2008 R2 RD Web Access server, navigate to the RDWeb folder under Default Site and Double Click “HTTP Response Headers“.

From Actions, click Add and enter the new header



Name: X-UA-Compatible Value: IE=9 Once you’re done with that,



use iisreset to cycle rdweb and you should be all set.




Karma -Good speech by Jaggi Vasudev

Squid Proxy error ” TAG_NONE/503 0 CONNECT www.bing.com:443 – HIER_NONE/- -“

Error: When you try to browse internet through squid, the webpage will not be shown. But you can able to access squid server and port without any issues.

When you check in the access log on squid you will get an error ” TAG_NONE/503 0 CONNECT http://www.bing.com:443 – HIER_NONE/- -”  when I access bing.com.


Solution: Try to add the following line in /etc/squid/squid.conf

forward_max_tries 25 

This solves the issue for me.

Source url: https://www.vivaolinux.com.br/topico/Squid-Iptables/problema-squid3-para-baixar-anexos-do-outlook?pagina=02